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CBD Pure Hemp Oil: Facts and Obsevations

What do you need to know about CBD oil before using it?

There are definitely a lot of things to talk about when it comes to CBD Pure Hemp Oil. It has health benefits, a lot of nutrients, therapeutic effects and it can be used as a meal replacement or as a treatment for various sicknesses.

It has a very good safety record and rarely does it cause any serious side-effects, however in some cases CBD oil has been noted to cause a dry mouth and drowsiness.

Also, there may be other health problems that can appear if a person abuses CBD or hemp oil, which are different by the way, because of the imbalance that can be created in the body due to the high quantities of nutrients that it can offer.

What I mean is, for instance, the fact that hemp oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Obviously, these are good for the heart, for brain development and more but in high quantities, abusing such nutrients can result in harmful side-effects so it is about the quantity which is why it is important to consult with a doctor before using CBD Pure Hemp Oil.

Now, what is the difference between the two?


Hemp oil comes from the seeds of the hemp plant or the cannabis plant while the CBD oil is extracted from stalks, leaves, buds, etc. The seeds are very rich in nutrients but low in cannabidiol which is why they are more suitable as a meal replacement, a dietary addition to a meal but not to treat diseases or disorders whereas the leaves, buds and so on, have a high concentration of cannabidiol and that is why CBD Pure Hemp Oil is much more suitable as a treatment for chronic pain, inflammation, cancer treatment, Alzheimer's treatment, epilepsy treatment and much more.

One important thing to note is the method of extraction of the CBD oil because depending on that it can contain more cannabidiol, purer and more potent. CO2 is definitely the way to go, it is more expensive but not so expensive that it would be out of reach for most people. However, this method offers the purest, most potent CBD oil that is, of course, rich in cannabidiol and it is non-toxic as well as green (environmentally friendly).

There is also the Rick Simpson method or the cold press method but these are inferior to the CO2 method of extraction, not necessarily bad.

If there is one thing that seems to be extremely popular right now and to be drawing a lot of attention, it must be hemp and cannabidiol and the oil from the hemp plant.

Cannabis and hemp have always been controversial and have always drawn attention but nowadays, even more, attention has been given to these plants, perhaps due to one particular event which some know as "Charlotte's web".

I believe that even a documentary has been made about it and about the little girl that suffers from a severe disease, epilepsy which causes seizures very frequently and that are quite intense.

Some of you may know about it and about how the parents eventually decided to give cannabis a try and how this plant helped reduce the frequency of the seizures as well as the intensity and one could say that it helped save the little girl's life.

This also helped a lot with the movement for the legalization of cannabis and hemp oil, the type of product that is very rich in CBD but low in THC.

CBD or Hemp oil are all about cannabidiol and about nutritional value, not about THC. You do not receive any mind altering effect or any psychoactive effect from consuming hemp or CBD oil because of how low the THC levels are in industrial hemp but also because of the fact that cannabidiol can inhibit the psychoactive nature/effect of THC.

The reason I keep mentioning CBD and Hemp oil is because these two are different, not the same thing even though some articles may make it seem as though they are. It is important that you make the difference between them because one is more suitable for treating certain sicknesses and inhibiting things like chronic pain and inflammation and the other is more suitable for meal replacements, due to the many nutrients found in it but it is lower in CBD than the other.

CBD oil comes from the leaves, buds or flowers and also the stalks of the hemp plant while the hemp oil as it is often referred to comes from the seeds of the hemp plant.

Hemp oil is much lower in CBD (cannabidiol) than CBD oil but it has a very high nutritional value and it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, also vitamin E making it a powerful antioxidant.

Be careful though because there can be side-effects for both, especially if abused or used while you are taking drugs or medication so please do consult with your medic before using either, just to be safe.

It is very well known that PUFAs are healthy but if you take too much, it can create an imbalance and contribute to health problems.