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Health & Weight Loss Supplements Explained

Help your brain performance

Your brain is a very powerful organ and also a very complicated one. No other organ in your body performs as many tasks as your brain does and no other organ has been the source of inspiration and fascination as the brain has. Moral judgement, finding sollutions to fixing problems, decision making, thought, creativity, dreams, concentration, memory, physical movement or motor coordination, emotions/moods and so many other processes in the human body are indfluenced or controlled somehow by your brain, more than you would've thought. DId you know that your brain when it isn't doing anything specific or too challenging, uses less energy than a light bulb does?

However, when your brain performs more challenging tasks such as studying for difficult exam or being in a difficult exam and trying to solve difficult problems and so on, your brain can consume as much as 25 percent or more of your body's energy reserves. Also, your brain is very small, if you would put your fists together with the wrists touching each other, that is about the size of your brain and it only weighs about three pounds or so, yet it can do so many amazing things and even to this day we haven't fully managed to understand how it works  and how it does all of these complex processes.

However, the brain, like any other thing, doesn't do well against the flow of time and not only that but it can also be affected by other harmful factors such as depression, stress, poor nutrition, lack of brain stimulation or physical activity and more. The brain is affected by time because of aging, because we all age and as we age, our whole body goes through many changes, our skin becomes dried and saggy because we lose collagen and elastin, we become fat because we can't move as well as we used to and we can't exercise as we could in the past and also because our metabolism becomes slower, and our brain loses many neurons and brain cells which simply die, we also lose mental alertness and we react slower than we used to, it is not uncommon for old people to suffer from memory loss for example.

This can become worse if a person is leading or has led an unhealthy lifestyle which in many cases can cause premature aging and can do harm to the overall health of the body. I am talking about food and nutrition but also about sedentarism and about a lack of mental stimulation, about people who don't really eat or eat unhealthy foods, about people who don't engage in any mental challenges or mental activities like reading a book or solving a puzzle, playing a board game and so on. The effects of these harmful factors can be seen in mental performance and people that are healthier and that train their bodies and their minds from time to time ahve been proven to be smarter and to be more successful and to have better performances than people that are unhealthy.

With that in mind, I recommend for those of you that are suffering from poor brain performance, to check out Addium, a natural and very efficient as well as safe nootropic supplement, also called a brain enhancement supplement. Your brain works through multiple chemical processes but the flow of information and thought is mainly done through neurons and neurotransmitters which also influence moods. Addium promotes better flow of information, information processing, memory and so on through supplying your brain with more blood and oxygen, vitamins and amino acids, neurotransmitters and more in order to raise its health/performance. For more information on Addium, please visit our review: