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Health & Weight Loss Supplements Explained

Is Ultra Omega Burn the best supplement for you?

Ultra Omega Burn is a weight loss supplement based on the powerful properties of Omega 7, the almost unknown healthy fatty acid from Omega family which also includes Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, and Omega 12. Is Ultra Omega Burn the best supplement for you?


Omega 7 – Benefits

There are three main Omega 7 acids:

  • palmitoleic acid (or 9-Hexadecenoic acid, monounsaturated),
  • trans-vaccenic acid (or 11-octadecenoic acid)
  • paullinic acid (or 13-eicosenoic acid)


We are interested here in palmitoleic acid.

Although these monounsaturated fatty acids have many healthy virtues, there is a tendency to never mention them. Let's learn a little more about these Omega 7 acids and their main benefits.


Omega 7 is a relatively rare essential fatty acid. Its benefits are nevertheless numerous and it has only a few side effects (we'll discuss them in the following section).


Thus, Omega 7 has the particularities to:

  • Maintain skin health – it helps treat skin conditions such as eczema and relieve burns while promoting wound healing.
  • Promote the hepatic functioning with consequent feeling of satiety earlier and thus, eventually, resulting in a reduction of the abdominal adipose tissue.
  • Fight against atherosclerosis by suppressing the production of fat (again they fight against overweight and obesity) and especially its accumulation.
  • Regulate cholesterol in the blood by increasing the level of good cholesterol and lowering that of LDL (lowering of triglycerides).
  • Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by reducing insulin resistance and blood glucose levels – Omega 7 increases the ability of muscle cells to capture glucose but also to consume it to provide readily available energy.
  • Protect pancreatic cells that produce insulin against glucose – Omega 7 promotes the development of beta cells in the pancreas so that the body optimizes glycemic control.
  • Promote sports performance.
  • Reduce the presence of the C-reactive protein (CRP) which is a marker of inflammation and is associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart attack.


Good to know is the fact that consuming 210 mg of Omega 7 for one month can reduce the rate of CRP by almost 50%. This is one of the major effects of Omega 7.


Moreover, Omega 7 helps reduce the metabolic syndrome, that is, the health problems associated with a metabolic disorder. Many diseases fall within the scope of this syndrome:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • cardiovascular disorders
  • various forms of cancer (especially the colon cancer)


How is Ultra Omega Burn reducing weight?

Ultra Omega Burn contains only Omega 7 in its purest form, therefore palmitoleic acid in Ultra Omega Burn slimming pills is the most potent one.


Palmitoleic acid has been proven on lab mice tests to reduce the process of production and accumulation of fat cells, especially on the abdomen area, while increasing the fat burning process by reducing the SCD1 enzyme's function.


The main idea behind such a supplement is given by several clinical trials which have shown that inflammation reduction property of Omega 7 palmitoleic acid can also be used in weight loss diets.

One study conducted on humans with high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP - the protein involved in increasing the inflammation in the body) has proven that upon Omega 7 consumption the CRP reduced considerably, meaning that inflammation has lowered.


Is Ultra Omega Burn the best supplement for you?

If you're overweight or obese for a long time, your extra fat tissues could've already damaged your blood vessels and your heart, as well as your liver or digestive system. Not to mention the possibility of type II diabetes occurrence at any time, if not already installed.


If that's your case, too, an Omega 7 supplement could be the solution for all your problems. It will reduce the risks for developing type II diabetes (it will reduce the symptoms if you already suffer from this condition), improve the health of the liver and digestive system, and will fight metabolic syndrome by reducing the inflammation in the body.

Even more, Omega 7 is also diminishing the risks of cardiovascular disorders and heart attack or cerebral stroke.


Focusing on Ultra Omega Burn weight loss supplement now. Ultra Omega Burn is a supplement designed to use the powerful weight loss properties of Omega 7 palmitoleic acid while improving the overall health.


Logically, since it only contains Omega 7, Ultra Omega Burn should be free of annoying side effects that are specific to other weight loss supplements. However, there are some exceptions. Omega 7 is not totally free of side effects


The most common side effects are the change in smell and color of the urine. After consuming Omega 7 regularly, your urine might smell more intense and its color might change to dark yellow or it might even become reddish.


Ultra Omega Burn should be taken in the recommended dose which is 1 pill per day with plenty of water. If not drinking enough water, the Omega 7 palmitoleic acid in Ultra Omega Burn can lead to potassium depletion, a condition that can produce muscle weakness and heart arrhythmia.


Also, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid using Omega 7 supplements (including Ultra Omega Burn) because the fatty acid could pass to the unborn child through the umbilical cord or to the infant through breast milk.


Prices of Ultra Omega Burn slimming pills

Ultra Omega Burn slimming pills come in three different packages:

  • 1 bottle (30 soft gels – one month supply) - $49.95
  • 3 bottles (90 soft gels – three months supply) - $119.95
  • 6 bottles (180 soft gels – six months supply) - $199.95


The producers also offer a 90-day money back guarantee policy on each order.


The conclusion

Is Ultra Omega Burn the best supplement for you? If you find yourself in the situations depicted in the prior sections, then Ultra Omega Burn can be beneficial for you because of it a good weight loss supplement while reducing inflammation, fighting against type II diabetes developing and diabetes-related symptoms, also being beneficial for liver, digestion and brain functioning. However, if you're a pregnant woman or a breastfeeding mom, avoid taking Ultra Omega Burn slimming pills.